When you have lived in the same house for a number of years, you might overlook certain items that are starting to go wrong. You’ve gotten used to that squeak in the floor and you don’t always notice the draft that wafts through the room, right? But often, those little things are your home’s way of talking to you. That squeaky floor? It might just be a loose board. But that draft? It’s probably coming from your windows and causing a number of issues in your home. You really should listen to your house and open your eyes to the possible needs that it might be trying to relate to you. Replacement windows are something that a home can tell you it needs if you watch for the signs. Here are a few to watch out for as your house in Ventura, CA ages.
Sign #1: Drafts
You may very well feel a draft on your neck as you try to relax and watch TV in the evening. If you don’t have a fan on, it’s probably the windows! And you can rest assured if air is getting in, it’s getting out too. That’s never a good thing when it comes to windows because it means your energy efficiency is dragging and you’re paying too much on your bills. Drafts are a telltale sign that old windows are on their last leg and your home would be better served with replacement windows.
Sign#2: High Bills
If you notice your energy bill creeping up further than just the rise in energy costs, you may be in trouble when it comes to your windows. Those old windows aren’t going to change their ways. They aren’t going to wake up and take your bills in the other direction. It’s just going to keep getting worse. Instead of paying all your hard-earned money into energy bills when you’re not even using it, consider replacement windows. They’ll seal up your home and keep the air inside so you don’t waste it!
Sign#3: Deterioration
Are your old windows warped? Are they rotting in some areas? Do they have cracked panes or other issues? Any signs that your windows are deteriorating are signs that you need replacement windows. Windows don’t last forever, especially if you have old wood windows that haven’t always been maintained well over the years. Deteriorating windows can open you up to high energy bills, condensation, pests, and even mold issues. Get replacement windows Ventura, CA instead of worrying about those problems.
If you have noticed any of the above signs, replacement windows may be your best move. You want to keep your Ventura, CA home in good condition and replacement windows can be just the thing you need to do just that. Contact Quality Windows today at 805-984-5895 to find out what replacement windows will do in your home. You can also stop by and see us at 1430 S Oxnard Blvd, Oxnard, CA 93030 and explore some of the options we have on the market.