There’s only so much money to go around within a busy family. There are constant bills to pay and the kids are always growing out of their clothes and shoes. If your home needs some improvements, but you also really want to get away with your family, consider enjoying a staycation in your hometown and getting replacement windows in Simi Valley, CA. Once the new windows go in, the house will feel like a different place. And there are fun things you can do at home or right there around your town to feel like you are getting away without actually going anywhere. You can save money, afford the new windows, and get the best of both worlds. Here are a few ideas for your staycation:
Create Your Own Drive-In Movie
If your kids are young enough, they’re thrilled when you have a big box for them to play in and decorate. Collect a few boxes and have them decorate them like cars. Then, once darkness hits, move the couch out of the way and set the boxes up in the living room for a drive-in movie theater of your very own. You can pop popcorn, watch a double feature, and spend time playing around the cars they have made.
Camp Out, Inside Or Outside
You don’t have to go anywhere at all to have a campout. If it’s too hot or buggy outside, you can set up a fort or tent in your living room and pile in. Make smores, even if you have to microwave them or make them in the oven, and tell scary stories. If it’s nice out, even the backyard is a fun place for a tent on a pleasant evening. You don’t have to go anywhere at all to have a camping experience.
It’s All About Pools
Have you ever gone on a vacation somewhere really neat only to have the kids have the most fun in the hotel pool? Find a local pool that you haven’t visited in a long time or maybe ever and take your kids there. They can have fun all day in an inexpensive way without you having to travel very far and waste money on hotel fare.
Create A Menu
Part of going on vacation is often eating out. Write up a menu and let your kids order off of it. Then, everyone can participate in making parts of the meal. Eat outside or take a picnic to a local park to make it an even bigger adventure.
There are lots of things you can do around your home during the summer to have a little mini-vacation and save money that you need to put towards replacement windows in Simi Valley, CA. Once the windows go in, you’ll be more comfortable and your energy bills will lower so you can start saving for next year’s vacation. Call Quality Windows & Doors at (805) 984-5895 for details or visit us at 1430 S Oxnard Blvd, Oxnard, CA 93030.